I Tried Sound Healing And Here’s Why You Should Too

16th February 2022 | By Gemma Louise Deeks
Photo by Jen Armstrong

It may be typically associated with yogi’s, but Sound Healing is used to improve health and wellbeing and can treat those suffering from anxiety, depression and even illness. Kendall Jenner and Meghan Markle are fans, so I wanted to find out more.

When I was introduced to the concept of Sound Healing, my immediate reaction was really?! This sounds totally nuts. I have never been one for spirituality. I’ve never been able to successfully breathe through a yoga class let alone meditate, but the prospect of being ‘healed’ in some capacity was intriguing.

Before my session, I knew little to nothing about it, other than this wellness trend had been a hot topic for a while and well – sound was used to heal. I went with an open mind and had no idea what to expect. But what I did know, is that self-improvement and self-love are the best things you can do for yourself, and 2022 is the time to practice that.

So what is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways to improve health and wellbeing. Therapeutic sound techniques are delivered using tonal and rhythmic instruments and voice and have been shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology.

“When we are healthy everything in our body vibrates in harmony or resonance. Dis-ease occurs when a part of our body begins to vibrate at a different rate, out of harmony with the rest” – Cherub explains. “It can be said that illness, anxiety, stress, physical pain is a manifestation of dis-harmony within the body, an imbalance in the cells or organs. Since all matter is energy vibrating at different rates, by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter…”

“When the brain waves and body are synchronized, balance can be restored and tension/stress released. The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response. The naturally occurring binaural beats create a pulsating tone that feels good and helps you to relax. The more you listen the deeper you relax, as your brainwaves begin to entrain with the tone, generating dynamic neuronal connections in all parts of the brain.”

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The Experience 

Set inside a Maida Vale mansion block, Cherub – a petite northern ray of light – welcomed me into her little sanctuary. I’m sure, like most, the prospect of new experiences can be nerve-wracking, especially when it’s something labelled as therapy. My mind was running wild in the lead up to that Tuesday afternoon. “What if she tells me I have a dark energy stemming from childhood?!” Ever the dramatic… but as I entered her studio, I felt comfortable. My first impression of Cherub was that she had a calmness about her that instantly made me feel at ease – it was like talking to a friend I had known for a long time. She was relaxed, chilled and I trusted her.

She explains she will use a unique fusion of antique planet gongs, Native flutes, crystal bowls and divine weaving voices to lure me into a deep meditative state, aiding in refining concentration, reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing creativity and opening a gateway to higher levels of consciousness.

It started with one of the best massages I’ve ever had. If you are an anomaly like me, I find massages quite the opposite of relaxing as I struggle to switch my mind off and generally can’t wait for it to end so I can go on with my day… But her soothing magic touch, hot stones and meditative music let me fully enjoy it for once. We had barely begun and this was already worth it.

My first impression of Cherub was that she had a calmness about her that instantly made me feel at ease – it was like talking to a friend I had known for a long time. She was relaxed, chilled and I trusted her.

Cherub Sanson

It was time to turn over and Cherub started her musical therapy. It was like nothing I had heard before, and magically, my mind was totally clear. I wasn’t thinking about what I was going to have for tea that night, or which client I had to email back. So much so, I fell into a deep sleep. A meditative state that I usually find quite hard to achieve. I’m the type of person that decides to clear out a cupboard at 11pm.

After an hour of stillness and snoozing, it was time to come back to the present. I felt a sort of lightness. Eager to know what Cherub discovered, she told me I had one of the clearest ‘channel’s’ she had felt in a long time. There were no blockages or heaviness and I had an angelic energy surrounding me. Phew. Mental health is important to me and it was a relief to know my efforts in putting myself first were working. For once in my life I felt protected and clear with where I was going.

When I asked her what kind of people come for sound healing, I was surprised to hear it was mainly businessmen and women and CEO’s with high-pressure jobs and extreme stress. Not just for yogi’s after all.

Bringing the session to a close, she said I needed to work on finding more moments of total stillness. Doing nothing. No phone, no tv – even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Focusing on deeper breathing and opening the throat will aid in vocalising what I want personally and professionally. Something I’m ready to confront.

That night, I had the best sleep I’ve had in a long time and the days following I was in a heavy state of relaxation.

I called my Mum the next day. “Mum, you’ll be happy to know I have angelic energy…” Cherub, I’ll be back.

Cherub Sanson is co-founder of The Academy of Integrated Sonic Medicine offering training courses in Sound Healing, which she set up with co-founder and master of high-frequency Tim Wheater in 2021. For more information on the Sonic Massage or to enrol in a training course, visit www.cherabella.co.uk

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